Thursday, 20 January 2011


Well Done everyone, well researched. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to see you in class. Those who have not yet posted an article!!! Get Blogging!!
Miss Edwards

Monday, 10 January 2011

Dementia Quiz

Hello All

Hope you had a nice weekend!! Here is the quiz, as promised.

1 - Name the types of dementia and their symtoms.

2 - Watch the you tube videos by Terry Pratchett and tell me 4 key points about demtia that you did not know.

3 - Name 3 facts about how alzheimers affects the brain.

4 - Give me a weblink that will link to an article about dementia / alzheimers

5 - Name 5 reasons why alzheimers cna be hard to diagnose straight away

Thank you

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Hello All

Hi All

Welcome to 2011!!

As discussed in our lesson, we will be using this blog on a regular basis. I would like you all to communicate any new updates, information, news etc regarding your findings about Dementia and Unit 40 via this blog space. I will be checking it regularly for updates and may be putting updates on here also.

Remember when using the blog there are key groundrules: Use it professionally - it is not a space to air your grievances or complaints, Validity - just because it is written on here does not mean it is accurate always check that the information you have and the source it is from is genuine and correct.