Friday, 4 February 2011


Hi All

Hopefully some of you would have just had a fantastic week on placement and gathered a range of new experiences to discuss. The rest of you will be entering into your placement on Monday, so enjoy and make the most of every opportunity to develop personally and as a professional.

Below are some new artcles relating to P.C.A and further information will be added regularly. Your role is to now read these new updates and POST information that you find independently, that relates to this subject. The task for the next two weeks is to publish a post that is either a video or a newspaper article relating to P.C.A and also to write down at least 2 experiences, YOU have had with Dementia.


Thursday, 20 January 2011


Well Done everyone, well researched. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to see you in class. Those who have not yet posted an article!!! Get Blogging!!
Miss Edwards

Monday, 10 January 2011

Dementia Quiz

Hello All

Hope you had a nice weekend!! Here is the quiz, as promised.

1 - Name the types of dementia and their symtoms.

2 - Watch the you tube videos by Terry Pratchett and tell me 4 key points about demtia that you did not know.

3 - Name 3 facts about how alzheimers affects the brain.

4 - Give me a weblink that will link to an article about dementia / alzheimers

5 - Name 5 reasons why alzheimers cna be hard to diagnose straight away

Thank you

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Hello All

Hi All

Welcome to 2011!!

As discussed in our lesson, we will be using this blog on a regular basis. I would like you all to communicate any new updates, information, news etc regarding your findings about Dementia and Unit 40 via this blog space. I will be checking it regularly for updates and may be putting updates on here also.

Remember when using the blog there are key groundrules: Use it professionally - it is not a space to air your grievances or complaints, Validity - just because it is written on here does not mean it is accurate always check that the information you have and the source it is from is genuine and correct.